The Foundation has put aside funds to be granted on an “as needed” basis to our local Marina schools. We ask that a letter of request be sent to us including the specific purpose, the amount of the request, and the timeline for the program.
Grants may be awarded for a specific elementary, middle or high school program that would benefit a specific class (example: a class field trip to a science museum). In addition, grants may be awarded to programs that benefit students before or after school.
Awards may be granted on a one-time basis or over a specified period of time. Each will require documentation of enrollment or other acceptable proof depending on the type of program.
Program Requirements
Each program will be required to have a completed goal, payout, selection process, and follow up procedure outlined prior to grant approval. Please send a letter of request or your proposal in writing to the Board for approval.
No grant or scholarship shall be awarded without the final approval of the Board of Directors for The Marina Foundation.
Marina After School Nutrition Program
The After School Snack Program, located at the Marina Teen Center, is designed to serve students with healthy snacks at 4:00 p.m. on school days. Thanks to grants from the Wal-Mart Foundation, Community Foundation for Monterey County, Wells Fargo Bank, Yellow Brick Road, and Driscolls Berries the program has been expanded to include not only after school but during breaks and holidays at both the Marina Teen Center and at the Marina Community Center to serve our youth.
To help, you can donate to the After School Nutrition Program:
School Programs

The Foundation has put aside funds to be granted on an “as needed” basis to our local Marina schools. We ask that a letter of request be sent to us including the specific purpose, the amount of the request, and the timeline for the program. The Foundation provided a grant in 2014 to the Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program (PBIS) at Los Arboles Middle School and has made grants in the past to Marina School Wide Assembly Programs.
We thank you for your support.